中国邮电高校学报(英文) ›› 2007, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 58-60.doi: 1005-8885 (2007) 01-0058-03
FAN Li-min, LIAO Jian-xin
FAN Li-min, LIAO Jian-xin
Using the idea of Payword, the new concept of master-slave payword chain (MSPC) is proposed in this article. MSPC consists of one master payword chain and one slave payword chain. On the basis of MSPC, a new micropayment protocol called discrete micropayment protocol (DMP), is presented in this article. DMP consists of three sub-protocols: registration, payment, and settlement. Both part fairness and non-unit-wise payment can be provided by DMP.